Improve your group effectiveness
MGT-477 / 3 crédits
Enseignant(s): Mischke Jaep Silke, Pfluger Francis Joseph
Langue: Anglais
Withdrawal: It is not allowed to withdraw from this subject after the registration deadline.
Remark: Courses given on IMD Campus.
During the leadership integration sessions, you will learn what are the conditions for a team to effectively work together. You will explore the stages of group development and team dynamics. You will analyze team performance through the lens of the BART model.
The core of the course will take place physically on the IMD campus as indicated on the program schedule. These days will be interactive and participatory; therefore, attendance is mandatory for all days.
At the end of the Leadership integration sesssions, you will be coming away with a personal development plan. In addition to the days you spend on IMD campus, we will ask you to meet with a small group of your classmates at least twice throughout the semester to discuss your progress and hold each other accountable. In addition, one essay will be assigned and due at the end of the semester. The essay submission will be required for completion of the course and will hopefully aid you in consolidating your leadership development reflections throughout the semester.
- Use outdoor problem-solving exercises to explore group dynamics
- Explore boundaries, authority, roles and task as a framework for group dynamics
- Explore your relationship with trust, its roots and how to improve it
- Learn the importance of giving and getting feedback
- Receive valuable feedback from you peers and practice giving developmental feedback to others
- Set a behavioral development plan for yourself which you will practice and implement throughout the rest of the program
#Team Dynamics
#Care to dare framework
#BART model
#action plan
Learning Prerequisites
Important concepts to start the course
The Personal and Professional Identity Narrative (PPIN). Please allow 3-4 hours to write this before coming to IMD.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course, the student must be able to:
- Analyze personal contribution and role in a group context
- Analyze Key drivers of team performance
- Predict how team dynamics unfold if not addressed
- Recognize the importance of feedback and know how to give constructive feedback
Teaching methods
Experiential exercises
Expected student activities
Read the book
Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard by Chip and Dan Heath
Publisher Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc
Assessment methods
The total number of 3 credits attributed to your course would be spread between lectures, exercise sessions and project-based work.
It is a pass/fail course based on your active participation to all classes and a final essay.
Book: Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard by Chip and Dan Heath
Publisher Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc
Ressources en bibliothèque
Dans les plans d'études
- Semestre: Printemps
- Nombre de places: 40
- Forme de l'examen: Pendant le semestre (session d'été)
- Matière examinée: Improve your group effectiveness
- Cours: 2 Heure(s) hebdo x 14 semaines
- Type: obligatoire
Semaine de référence
Lu | Ma | Me | Je | Ve | |
8-9 | |||||
9-10 | |||||
10-11 | |||||
11-12 | |||||
12-13 | |||||
13-14 | |||||
14-15 | |||||
15-16 | |||||
16-17 | |||||
17-18 | |||||
18-19 | |||||
19-20 | |||||
20-21 | |||||
21-22 |
Exercice, TP
Projet, Labo, autre
Jeudi, 14h - 18h: Cours
Vendredi, 8h - 13h: Cours
Vendredi, 13h - 18h: Cours