ChE-601 / 1 crédit

Enseignant(s): Borel Alain, Gabella Chiara, Varrato Francesco

Langue: Anglais

Remark: Next time Winter 24 (block)


Every year


PhD students in Chemistry will learn hands-on Research Data Management (RDM) skills transferable to their research practices. They will contextualize their research into RDM best practices (day 1), discover appropriate tools (day 2) and work on a project (day 3) for the course accreditation


Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, the student must be able to:

  • Define Data Life-Cycle of his/her research
  • Identify Specific softwares
  • Apply RDM good practices


Moodle Link

Dans les plans d'études

  • Nombre de places: 15
  • Forme de l'examen: Rapport de TP (session libre)
  • Matière examinée: Hands-on with Research Data Management in Chemistry
  • Cours: 12 Heure(s)
  • Exercices: 3 Heure(s)
  • TP: 9 Heure(s)
  • Type: optionnel

Semaine de référence

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