EE-603 / 3 credits

Teacher(s): Cherkaoui Sidi-Rachid, Rachidi-Haeri Farhad

Language: English

Remark: Next time: tbd


Every 2 years


The learning outcome is to increase the knowledge of simulation methods and the role of computers in the management and the operation of electric power systems.


  • Dynamic phenomena:


    - Frequency range
    - Power system components modeling
    - General mathematical formulation
    - Transient stability: direct approach, time domain approach, ...
    - Small signal stability: eigenvalues, eigenvectors, participation factors, poorly damped modes, ...
    - Long term stability: load frequency control, automatic generation control, ...
    - Examples of applications


  • Transient phenomena:


    - Sources of disturbances and transients in power systems.
    - Generalized transmission line theory for a multiconductor line
    - Parameters of a multiconductor transmission line
    - Effect of losses due to the ground finite conductivity and corona
    - Interaction with an external electromagnetic field
    - Solution methods in time and frequency domains (FDTD method and BLT equations)
    - Treatment of frequency dependence in a time domain algorithm
    - Treatment of nonlinearities in a frequency domain algorithm
    - Examples of application

Learning Prerequisites

Recommended courses

Power Systems, Electromagnetism

In the programs

  • Exam form: Written (session free)
  • Subject examined: Transient and dynamic analysis of electric power systems
  • Lecture: 34 Hour(s)
  • Practical work: 8 Hour(s)
  • Type: optional

Reference week

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