BIO-699(m) / 1 credit

Teacher: Profs divers *

Language: English

Remark: All year long -Training rotations must be approved by the supervisor, by the host laboratory, as well as by the doctoral program director


Every year


Training rotations



  • Doctoral students interested in conducting a training rotation must write a one page proposal delinating the educational objectives and the means by which they intend to achieve them.
  • This proposal must be approved by the supervisor, by the host laboratory, as well as by the doctoral program director.
  • Training rotations must take place within the first two years of doctoral studies and can last 1-4 months, with a maximum of 4 months in total (4 ECTS).
  • The examination procedure consists in a project report written in the style of the candidacy exam report.



The possible duration of this training rotation is of maximum four months (4 ECTS). The specificity of this course BIO-699 is as follows:

  • one full month of training rotation gives 1 ECTS
  • two full months of training rotation give 2 ECTS
  • three full months of training rotation give 3 ECTS
  • four full months of training rotation give 4 ECTS



Training rotations

In the programs

  • Exam form: Project report (session free)
  • Subject examined: Training Rotation (EDMS)
  • Project: 14 Hour(s)
  • Type: optional

Reference week

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