PHYS-302 / 4 credits

Teacher: Rahi Sahand Jamal

Language: English


Understand and use the results and methods of population genetics, population dynamics, network theory, and reaction network dynamics to analyze and predict the behavior of living systems


Master equation, population genetics, finite populations, genetic drift, stochastic modeling, fluctuating environments


Introduction to networks, dynamics on networks


Biochemical reaction networks, Michaelis-Menten kinetics, cooperativity, autoregulation, feedback and bistability, switches, oscillations, feed-forward loop network motif, stochastic gene expression, causes and consequences of stochastic gene expression, robustness



physics of living systems, population genetics, population dynamics, genetic networks, systems biology

Learning Prerequisites

Recommended courses

physics, mathematics, and biology at the introductory university level

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, the student must be able to:

  • Analyze biological dynamics
  • Solve the Master equation in different contexts
  • Formulate dynamical equations describing biological systems

Teaching methods

Flipped classroom, lectures (online and in person), in-person discussions, discussions of research articles, problem solving

Expected student activities

attend lectures, watch online lectures, complete exercises, read and present recent papers in the field

Assessment methods

40% homework, 60% final project


Office hours Yes
Assistants Yes


Moodle Link

In the programs

  • Semester: Fall
  • Exam form: During the semester (winter session)
  • Subject examined: Biophysics : physics of biological systems
  • Lecture: 2 Hour(s) per week x 14 weeks
  • Exercises: 2 Hour(s) per week x 14 weeks
  • Type: optional
  • Semester: Fall
  • Exam form: During the semester (winter session)
  • Subject examined: Biophysics : physics of biological systems
  • Lecture: 2 Hour(s) per week x 14 weeks
  • Exercises: 2 Hour(s) per week x 14 weeks
  • Type: optional
  • Semester: Fall
  • Exam form: During the semester (winter session)
  • Subject examined: Biophysics : physics of biological systems
  • Lecture: 2 Hour(s) per week x 14 weeks
  • Exercises: 2 Hour(s) per week x 14 weeks
  • Type: optional
  • Semester: Fall
  • Exam form: During the semester (winter session)
  • Subject examined: Biophysics : physics of biological systems
  • Lecture: 2 Hour(s) per week x 14 weeks
  • Exercises: 2 Hour(s) per week x 14 weeks
  • Type: optional
  • Semester: Fall
  • Exam form: During the semester (winter session)
  • Subject examined: Biophysics : physics of biological systems
  • Lecture: 2 Hour(s) per week x 14 weeks
  • Exercises: 2 Hour(s) per week x 14 weeks
  • Type: optional
  • Semester: Fall
  • Exam form: During the semester (winter session)
  • Subject examined: Biophysics : physics of biological systems
  • Lecture: 2 Hour(s) per week x 14 weeks
  • Exercises: 2 Hour(s) per week x 14 weeks
  • Type: optional
  • Semester: Fall
  • Exam form: During the semester (winter session)
  • Subject examined: Biophysics : physics of biological systems
  • Lecture: 2 Hour(s) per week x 14 weeks
  • Exercises: 2 Hour(s) per week x 14 weeks
  • Type: optional
  • Semester: Fall
  • Exam form: During the semester (winter session)
  • Subject examined: Biophysics : physics of biological systems
  • Lecture: 2 Hour(s) per week x 14 weeks
  • Exercises: 2 Hour(s) per week x 14 weeks
  • Type: optional
  • Semester: Fall
  • Exam form: During the semester (winter session)
  • Subject examined: Biophysics : physics of biological systems
  • Lecture: 2 Hour(s) per week x 14 weeks
  • Exercises: 2 Hour(s) per week x 14 weeks
  • Type: optional
  • Exam form: During the semester (winter session)
  • Subject examined: Biophysics : physics of biological systems
  • Lecture: 2 Hour(s) per week x 14 weeks
  • Exercises: 2 Hour(s) per week x 14 weeks
  • Type: optional
  • Exam form: During the semester (winter session)
  • Subject examined: Biophysics : physics of biological systems
  • Lecture: 2 Hour(s) per week x 14 weeks
  • Exercises: 2 Hour(s) per week x 14 weeks
  • Type: optional
  • Semester: Fall
  • Exam form: During the semester (winter session)
  • Subject examined: Biophysics : physics of biological systems
  • Lecture: 2 Hour(s) per week x 14 weeks
  • Exercises: 2 Hour(s) per week x 14 weeks
  • Type: optional

Reference week

Wednesday, 15h - 17h: Exercise, TP CM1100

Thursday, 9h - 11h: Lecture GRC001

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