PHYS-741 / 4 credits

Teacher: Cohen Timothy

Language: English

Remark: Next time: Fall


Every year


The goal of this course is to explain the conceptual and mathematical bases of the Standard Model of fundamental interactions and to illustrate in detail its phenomenological consequences.


The lectures for this course will be given in person by Tim Cohen.  Tim will be available to answer student questions on Mondays at 15:00 in his office, and is also available by email ( and by appointment on zoom. Exercise sessions will be in person on Tuesdays from 12:00 - 13:00 and led by Majid Ekhterachian (

- Non-abelian gauge theories

- Higgs mechanism and massive gauge theories

- Quarks and Leptons

- Basic electroweak phenomenology

- The flavour structure: quark masses and mixing

- Strong interactions

- Basic flavour phenomenology

- The Standard Model as an Effective Field Theory



fundamental interactions, particle phenomenology

gauge theories, Higgs mechanism,

Learning Prerequisites

Required courses

Relativistic Quantum Fields I et II, Advanced Quantum Mechanics,

Advanced Quantum Field Theory,


Recommended courses

General Relativity, Cosmology

Expected student activities

Appreciate the conceptual foundations of the Standard Model as a theory of fundamental interactions and quantitavely understand its phenomenological success. Be able to concretely apply the Standard Model theory to the prediction of physical processes.



M. Peskin and Daniel Schroeder, An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory

L.B. Okun, Leptons and Quarks

T-P. Cheng and L-F. Li, Gauge Theory of Elementary Particle Physics

Références suggérées par la bibliothèque

Moodle Link

In the programs

  • Exam form: Multiple (session free)
  • Subject examined: Gauge Theories and the Standard Model
  • Courses: 42 Hour(s)
  • Exercises: 14 Hour(s)
  • Type: optional

Reference week