BIO-699(n) / 1 credit

Teacher(s): Gräff Johannes, Profs divers *

Language: English

Remark: All year long -Training rotations must be approved by the supervisor, by the host laboratory, as well as by the doctoral program director


Every year


Training Rotation on the EPFL Campus during the 1st year of a PhD. 1,2 or 3 months are possible.


Please register for the number of months that your rotation will last.

BIO 699 (n) = first month

BIO 699 (o) = second month

BIO 699 (p) = third month

+ Doctoral students interested in conducting a training rotation must write a one page proposal delineating the educational objectives, work schedule and the means by which they intend to achieve them. (Form downloaded from EDNE site)


+ This proposal must be approved by their thesis supervisor, the host laboratory PI, as well as by the doctoral program director


+ Training rotations must take place within the first year of doctoral studies and can last 1-3 months, with a maximum of 3 months in total
30 hours/month of technical training is equal to 1 ECTS


+At the end, the student must do a short oral presentation of what they learned and its application to answering scientific questions related to their thesis project in front of the host lab professor and their thesis director.


+A short evaluation of the extent that the learning objectives were attained and quality of presentation, designating a Pass or Fail is filled out and signed by both the hosting lab PI and the Thesis Director.


+This form is returned to the program administrator for credit to be awarded.

In the programs

  • Exam form: Project report (session free)
  • Subject examined: Training Rotation (EDNE)
  • Project: 14 Hour(s) per term
  • Type: optional

Reference week