BIO-640 / 1 credit

Teacher: van der Goot Grunberg Françoise Gisou

Language: English

Remark: 3-day Block course, every year in January. To register, contact EDMS Administration


Every year


Membrane organization. Investigate the compartmentalisation of biological membranes: what are the determinants of the localization of transmembrane proteins in the 2 dimensional space of the membranes?


Introduction, isolation of membrane domains (tissue culture, subcellular fractionation, SDS-PAGE, western blotting), cellular localization of membrane proteins (immunofluorescence).


Please note that you cannot register in your own group Practical!

Note that 3 practical courses are mandatory for all EDMS students and that they have the priority; each course has between 2 to 4 possible slots.

Therefore, please do not register by yourself to this course, this will be done by the EDMS program administrator!

Learning Prerequisites

Recommended courses

Basic knowledge of cellular and membrane biology.



In the programs

  • Number of places: 3
  • Exam form: Project report (session free)
  • Subject examined: Practical - Van der Goot Lab
  • Courses: 6 Hour(s)
  • TP: 18 Hour(s)
  • Type: mandatory

Reference week

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