ChE-614 / 2 credits

Teacher(s): Marchioro Arianna, Nüesch Frank

Language: English

Remark: Next course January 2025


Every year


Electron and energy transfer processes are fundamental to numerous biologica! processes. ln synthetic molecular and hybrid systems and devices, they are key to the functionality and efficiency of various devices. Advances in understanding and manipulating these processes continue to drive innovation


A. Interaction of light with molecules
- Generation of excited molecular states by light absorption: - Transition dipole moment and
selection rules
- Generation of excited states by chemical processes
- Electron-phonon coupling: Huang Rys factor
- Fundamental aspects of absorption, fluorescence, intersystem crossing and internal
- Spectroscopic methods
B. Energy transfer
- Radiative and non-radiative processes (Dexter and Förster transfer)
- Excitons in molecular aggregates: Davidov splitting
- Coherent/incoherent energy transfer
- Charge transfer states
- Exciton-exciton annihilation and fusion
C. Electron transfer
- Marcus theory
- Experimental methods: Flash photolysis and transient absorption
D. Biological systems and Applications
- Photosynthesis and chemiluminescence
- Dye sensitized solar cells
- Perovskite solar cells
- Organic solar cells and photodetectors
- Organic up-converter Devices




Organic conjugated molecules, conjugated polymers, molecular orbitals, absorption, fluorescence,
phosphorescence, electron transfer, energy transfer, photosynthesis, chemiluminescence, solar cells.

Assessment methods

Presentation of the problems in front of the class.Attendance is mandatory for ail students and will last for about 6h.

On Thursday the student have a full day (8h) to prepare for a problem to be presented in class on Friday.



Gilbert, J. Baggott, Essentials of Molecular Photochemistry, Blackwell Sci. Publ., Oxford, 1991.
• P. W. Atkins, R. S. Friedmann, Molecular Quantum Mechanics, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1997.
• A. Köhler and H. BÀssler Electronic Processes in Organic Semiconductors, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2015

Ressources en bibliothèque

Moodle Link

In the programs

  • Exam form: Oral presentation (session free)
  • Subject examined: Electron & energy transfer in organic & hybrid systems
  • Courses: 24 Hour(s)
  • Exercises: 8 Hour(s)
  • Type: optional

Reference week