AR-302(an) / 12 crédits

Enseignant(s): Rodet Dries, Truwant Charlotte Cornélie

Langue: Anglais

Withdrawal: It is not allowed to withdraw from this subject after the registration deadline.

Remark: Inscription faite par la section


Together, we will continue our exploration of the theme of water by building a set of fountains that we will later attempt to integrate into a domestic project for the port of Basel. The focus will be on the transformation or reuse of existing resources in which we will propose new hybrid typologies


This spring semester, we will start with buildings fountains. The invented objects will have the necessary scale to function as containers of liquid. This first exercise will be an exploration of fluid dynamics, gravity, flow, erosion, porosity and velocity. We will create waves, infiltrate and flow.

The fountains at the Palladian Villa Barbaro were part of a complex hydraulic system that irrigated the gardens and fields. The water was collected behind the house, uphill, in a large circular reservoir. Flowing down into the first basin, it would later run in the canalization under the house to cool down the space and supply the kitchen with water. The residual water would be finally spread in the garden fountains.

Palladio's villa are extremely close related to the landscape and learning from the roman centuriation irrigation system was crucial for Palladio's understanding of the potential of water.  It took another 400 years for water to reach every home to ensure hygiene. In the meantime, fountains were used as a place for bathing or as a fresh water supply, functioning simultaneous as social communal spaces. And in some cases, they still function today as a gathering space.

And although water is becoming an increasingly scarce resource, it has become invisible in our homes. We would like during the semester to ask ourselves if the water can re-enter into our domestic spaces and provide an opportunity to create new social spaces? Can we use water as more than a resource to wash our dishes, our clothes, our hands, our bodies and hydrate ourselves?

Can a home be humid and porous? Can access to water be flexible?  Can water become a new center in our houses around we can organize new communal spaces?

The domestic project will be located in the port of Basel, an exciting area currently undergoing significant urban development. The hypothesis involves the preservation of the existing industrial functions by creating synergies with a housing project. Central to this investigation is the examination of building resources that can be transformed or re-used.

Our study trip to Berlin will be an opportunity to explore housing programs that challenge conventional typologies and the economic framework in which we have to operate today. Beyond it will be an opportunity to discover public, industrial or entertainment programs that can potentially be paired with housing.



Fountains, Housing, re-use, Ecology, Water, tales, Fiction, Berlin, Model, Typologies, Preservation, Hybridity, Harbor, Industry, Possible futures


Teaching methods

From the model to the project, from the fountain to housing

#01 theme: building a fountain and iconological research

#02 research through iconology

#03 fictions: defining potential uses

#04 analysis: site and housing typologies

#05 spatial translation through models, drawings and visuals.


Assessment methods

In the studio we expect students to be curious, a strong motivation, engagement in the discussion, autonomy, creativity and richness of the expanded research collection and the capacity to react to changing conditions





will be provided in the reader

Dans les plans d'études

  • Semestre: Printemps
  • Forme de l'examen: Pendant le semestre (session d'été)
  • Matière examinée: Théorie et critique du projet BA6 (Truwant et Rodet)
  • Cours: 2 Heure(s) hebdo x 14 semaines
  • Projet: 4 Heure(s) hebdo x 14 semaines
  • Type: obligatoire
  • Semestre: Printemps
  • Forme de l'examen: Pendant le semestre (session d'été)
  • Matière examinée: Théorie et critique du projet BA6 (Truwant et Rodet)
  • Cours: 2 Heure(s) hebdo x 14 semaines
  • Projet: 4 Heure(s) hebdo x 14 semaines
  • Type: obligatoire
  • Semestre: Printemps
  • Forme de l'examen: Pendant le semestre (session d'été)
  • Matière examinée: Théorie et critique du projet BA6 (Truwant et Rodet)
  • Cours: 2 Heure(s) hebdo x 14 semaines
  • Projet: 4 Heure(s) hebdo x 14 semaines
  • Type: optionnel
  • Semestre: Printemps
  • Forme de l'examen: Pendant le semestre (session d'été)
  • Matière examinée: Théorie et critique du projet BA6 (Truwant et Rodet)
  • Cours: 2 Heure(s) hebdo x 14 semaines
  • Projet: 4 Heure(s) hebdo x 14 semaines
  • Type: obligatoire

Semaine de référence

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