AR-202(o) / 10 crédits

Enseignant: Verschuere Adrien

Langue: Anglais

Remark: Inscription faite par la section


In the early days of the Anthropocene, the concepts of "Nature and Culture" are being revisited by a number of contemporary thinkers. The studio will take this paradigm shift as an opportunity to address new narratives.



The studio is conceived as a double investigation into the archetypical elements of architecture and into the challenges of our present age. By imbricating the contemporary and the fundamental a framework is set up, in which a critical reflection on what architecture might be today, can take shape. Research is envisaged as a project and the project is envisaged as research, therefore establishing a critical viewpoint is regarded as the primary act of building an architectural proposal. Stemming from the overarching approach of Vitruvius's Ten Books, the studio addresses a different theme each academic year. After Performative Objects in 19/20 and Elements of Climate in 20/21, in 21/22 the theme of Umwelt will be dealt with. This term designates a concept, originating in the early 20th century biology of von Uexküll, that abandons a unitary perceptual world in favor of many radically different environments, constituted by the living beings that inhabit them. Considering architecture through this perspective will be the principal challenge of this year's studio.



The first semester will be devoted to the study of the architecture as a material assembly that is traversed by energy flows. Analysis of embodied energy is accompanied by investigations into the climatic performativity of various examples. Visible and invisible forms of energy will be traced and represented. Organized in a series of exercises that fuse study and design the progressive construction of an architectural language through drawings, models, and images will be undertaken. The work will take place in groups of two to five people in changing compositions. It will be presented as a collective display each week, punctuated by an intermediate review in week 7 and a final review in week 14.



The work of the second semester will be based on the knowledge developed during the first semester, according to the contingencies linked to a site and a program an architectural project will be elaborated. It will be constituted essentially by engaging in a given built structure, which will have to be reinterpreted and adapted. The tools and methods will be close to those used during the first semester. The work will take place in groups. It will be presented as a collective display every two weeks and will be punctuated by an intermediate review in week 7 and a final review in week 14.


Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, the student must be able to:

  • Hypothesize
  • Critique
  • Analyze
  • Perform
  • Investigate
  • Represent
  • State
  • Discuss

Assessment methods



The evaluation of the work will focus on the commitment, inventiveness, and quality that the proposals display, as well as the critical reflection that informs them. Particular attention will be paid to the issues of experimentation and representation, while both process and result, narrative and argument, the disciplinary and the non-disciplinary are valued.

Dans les plans d'études

  • Semestre: Printemps
  • Forme de l'examen: Pendant le semestre (session d'été)
  • Matière examinée: Théorie et critique du projet BA3, BA4 (Verschuere)
  • Cours: 2 Heure(s) hebdo x 14 semaines
  • Projet: 4 Heure(s) hebdo x 14 semaines
  • Type: obligatoire

Semaine de référence

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