BIO-686(A) / 1 crédit

Enseignant(s): Bless Ann Sheila, Le Duc Ingrid

Langue: Anglais

Remark: Next time: Spring 2025


Every year


The course is highly recommended for its excellent quality. Researchers will be apt to write a clear, well-structured article. We aim to make researchers aware of good writing and help them to face their writing with confidence.


  • Comparing different styles in scientific writing
  • Turning clumsy, wordy writing unto clear understandable English
  • Each participant will write a title, abstract and introduction which will be commented on by participants as well as the trainer. Emphasis will be on structure and readability.
  • The discussion will be dealt with by commenting on a published one
  • Pitching your research (poster or a pitch)
  • On day 5 or 6, students will book a slot for an individual 30-minute discussion of their submitted work



This course will only take place with a minimum of 9 participants.

The maximum number of participants is 10.

The course is given in a flexible format (attendance on campus is strongly recommended, attendance online is possible).

It is for PhD students who are already in the process of writing. They should be on the second year and/or have new research to write about.

Investment: Participants are expected to bring and produce new material. The benefit of the course is to improve their current written work using the feedback they will receive. To help the trainer prepare the course, participants will be asked to submit a brief written assignment some 10 days in advance to the start of the course.



Once the schedule is online, please contact, confirming that:

a) you are able to attend all dates (students who cannot attend all the sessions should enroll next semester/year)

b) you are at least already in your 2nd year and/or have new research to write about

c) you are already in the process of writing articles and are ready to bring an abstract and a title on the second day

d) your host laboratory agrees to cover the CHF 325.00 registration fee.

Students who cannot meet requirements a) b) c) & d), should wait to enroll for a future session, knowing that this course is given twice a year. Registrations will be confirmed on a first come-first-served basis. The invoices will be issued as soon as 9 participants have pre-registered.


scientific writing

Learning Prerequisites

Required courses

Important concepts to start the course


Moodle Link

Dans les plans d'études

  • Nombre de places: 10
  • Forme de l'examen: Rapport de TP (session libre)
  • Matière examinée: Scientific writing for biomedical articles (Fall)
  • Cours: 20 Heure(s)
  • Type: optionnel
  • Nombre de places: 10
  • Forme de l'examen: Rapport de TP (session libre)
  • Matière examinée: Scientific writing for biomedical articles (Fall)
  • Cours: 20 Heure(s)
  • Type: optionnel
  • Nombre de places: 10
  • Forme de l'examen: Rapport de TP (session libre)
  • Matière examinée: Scientific writing for biomedical articles (Fall)
  • Cours: 20 Heure(s)
  • Type: optionnel

Semaine de référence