ENG-645(b) / 2 crédits

Enseignant: Various lecturers (see below)

Langue: Anglais

Remark: The course assessment consists of two elements: 1 - module completion (30%) and 2 -final assignment (70%). For registration, please check the "notes" section.


Every year


The entry level of the course developed by the European Patent Office is aimed at PhD candidates and will teach them how to protect inventions, bring them to market and provide them with valuable insights into the world of innovation.


The Entry Level (Part 1) course offers unique opportunities to follow inventors' real-life stories, understand why and how they patent their inventions and learn how intellectual property rights (IPRs) can be integrated into business strategies.
Each module is based on a carefully selected set of case studies, many of which involve inventors who have been nominated for or won the European Patent Office's European Inventor Award.


- Self-paced modules
- Quizzes
- Live sessions
- Tutored forum
- Final assignment


The modules consist of high-quality videos, podcasts and interactive educational elements. These explain the theory behind new concepts and provide exercises and case studies to help learners consolidate their knowledge. There is also a multiple-choice quiz at the end of each module. In addition, a wide variety of resources are included for further study. A final assignment, marked by experts in intellectual property (IP), will serve to test the knowledge.


Through a unique platform, tutored forum and interactive live sessions, participants will meet different IP experts. If they complete all relevant activities, they will be awarded an official EPO certificate.

The live sessions will take place between 16:00 and 17:30 CET. Students can opt for one of the two available dates for each of the live sessions.


Timeframe spring 2025 for participants (24/03/2025 - 25/06/2025):

  • Course registration starts: 24 February
  • Course registration deadline: 20 March
  • Course room opens: 24 March
  • Live session 1: 31 March or 2 April
  • Live session 2: 14 or 16 April
  • Live session 3: 5 or 7 May
  • Final assignment published: 19 May
  • Final assignment submission deadline: 25 May
  • Grades published: 2 June
  • Course ends*: 25 June

*The end of the course is marked by the last day on which participants can download the certificate.


The entry level self-paced modules cover fundamental concepts as identified by the module titles:

  • Introduction to IP
  • Patent essentials
  • Introduction to patent information
  • Patent information in practice
  • Developing an IP strategy


Course Registration Link: coming soon
Access Code: coming soon
Registration deadline : 20 March 2025


intellectual property; patent system; innovation; IP strategy; intellectual property rights; conceptualisation; critical thinking; problem solving, research and enquiry; synthesis and creativity

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, the student must be able to:

  • Identify , understand, and use releveant intellectual property rights for different forms of creastions in various commercial contexts
  • Explain clearly and accurately the operation of the rules and principles which comprise the EPO patent system, pre and post granting a patent

Dans les plans d'études

  • Forme de l'examen: Ecrit (session libre)
  • Matière examinée: Create-Protect-Innovate: Bringing ideas to market (SPRING)
  • Cours: 37 Heure(s)
  • Type: optionnel

Semaine de référence

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