EE-625(a) / 1 credit

Teacher: Yee Wei Liang Daryl

Language: English

Remark: Next time: Fall 2025


Every year


This course introduces students with broad research directions in electrical and micro engineering, via a series of weekly wide-audience seminars given by distinguished speakers. The students practice transferable skills including active listening, critical thinking, and scientific communication.


This course propose a series of weekly broad audience seminars given by distinguished speakers in electrical and micro engineering. The speakers are invited from all around the world and are chosen among the very top specialists in their field.


The first goal is to develop a culture of the current research challenges in electrical and micro engineering, explained by top experience researchers.


The second goal is to use these seminars to practice transferable skills, including active listening, to develop a broad scientific critical thinking, and to perform scientific presentations on the areas of interest to each student.


The students must attend at least 80% of the seminars (about 14 along the semester). Seminars will be also diffused in a room in the satellite campus. Attendance will be checked by the TAs. Students are encouraged to ask clever questions to the presenter.


The evaluation will take place during the semester, during sessions dedicated to student presentations. Each student will be asked to do a presentation about their own research field. The students need to be able to present it in 5 minutes to anybody with only a few slides, answering questions like : « Why is my field important ? What's the dream goal/application? What is the field trying to achieve? What are the key scientific challenges? What is worth spending time on, as a researcher in this field? How to illustrate my research field in an accessible way without being too technical? In that field, what's the goal of my work and in what sense it pushes the frontiers of the field ?».

Work load estimation: 14h of seminars, 6h of preparation for the presentation, 8h of active participation and evaluation of each other's presentations.


Various prominent speakers (professors and industrials) in electrical and micro engineering will be invited.


Seminars, presentation, active listening, critical thinking.

Assessment methods


In the programs

  • Number of places: 50
  • Exam form: Oral presentation (session free)
  • Subject examined: Research seminars in Electrical Engineering - FALL
  • Project: 9 Hour(s)
  • TP: 21 Hour(s)
  • Type: optional
  • Number of places: 50
  • Exam form: Oral presentation (session free)
  • Subject examined: Research seminars in Electrical Engineering - FALL
  • Project: 9 Hour(s)
  • TP: 21 Hour(s)
  • Type: optional
  • Number of places: 50
  • Exam form: Oral presentation (session free)
  • Subject examined: Research seminars in Electrical Engineering - FALL
  • Project: 9 Hour(s)
  • TP: 21 Hour(s)
  • Type: optional
  • Number of places: 50
  • Exam form: Oral presentation (session free)
  • Subject examined: Research seminars in Electrical Engineering - FALL
  • Project: 9 Hour(s)
  • TP: 21 Hour(s)
  • Type: optional

Reference week

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