ME-469 / 4 credits

Teacher: Tagliabue Giulia

Language: English

Withdrawal: It is not allowed to withdraw from this subject after the registration deadline.


In this course we study heat transfer (and energy conversion) from a microscopic perspective. First we focus on understanding why classical laws (i.e. Fourier Law) are what they are and what are their limits of validity. Next we discuss emerging opportunities in nanoengineering energy devices.


Part I: Fundamentals (8 weeks)

In the first part of the course we introduce the basic theory to understand heat transfer and energy conversion from a microscopic perspective. In particular, we will derive classical laws (i.e. Fourier's law, Ohm's law) from this microscopic perspective in oder to understand their limit of validity.

1. Energy states

  • From classical to quantum harmonic oscillators: material waves and energy quantization (wave-particle duality)
  • Energy states in solids (Band structure of crystals, Phonons, Density of states)
  • Fundamentals of statistical thermodynamics

2. Energy Transport

  • Energy transfer by waves (reflection/transmission and tunneling, energy and momentum of electromagnetic fields)
  • Particle description of transport processes (Fourier's law and Ohm's law)
  • Thermoelectric effects

Part II: Size Effects and Nanostructures for Energy Conversion Devices (6 weeks)

In the second part of the course we study the effect of device miniaturization on heat transfer and energy conversion. Subsequently, starting from recent literature results, we analyze the functioning of selected state-of-the art systems and emerging concepts for energy conversion devices.

3. Classical Size Effects: how energy transport changes in nano-/micro-scale systems

4. Thermoelectric devices & materials

5. Nanophotonic Engineering for Energy Devices

  • radiative heat transfer & radiative cooling
  • plasmonic nanostructure for solar fuels
  • nanoscae heat sources

6. Liquids and Interfaces

  • electrokinetic effects in nanochannels
  • hydrovoltaic devices


Assessment methods

  • Mid-term Exam 30%
  • Project Report (mid-term submission) 30%
  • Final Assignment (end-of-semester submission) 40%


Moodle Link

In the programs

  • Semester: Spring
  • Exam form: During the semester (summer session)
  • Subject examined: Nano-scale heat transfer
  • Lecture: 2 Hour(s) per week x 14 weeks
  • Exercises: 1 Hour(s) per week x 14 weeks
  • Project: 1 Hour(s) per week x 14 weeks
  • Type: optional
  • Semester: Spring
  • Exam form: During the semester (summer session)
  • Subject examined: Nano-scale heat transfer
  • Lecture: 2 Hour(s) per week x 14 weeks
  • Exercises: 1 Hour(s) per week x 14 weeks
  • Project: 1 Hour(s) per week x 14 weeks
  • Type: optional
  • Semester: Spring
  • Exam form: During the semester (summer session)
  • Subject examined: Nano-scale heat transfer
  • Lecture: 2 Hour(s) per week x 14 weeks
  • Exercises: 1 Hour(s) per week x 14 weeks
  • Project: 1 Hour(s) per week x 14 weeks
  • Type: optional

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