MGT-420 / 5 credits

Teacher: Wadhwa Inderpreet Singh

Language: English

Withdrawal: It is not allowed to withdraw from this subject after the registration deadline.


Climate entrepreneurship is at the core of developing sustainable economy. The students learn climate aspects and practical view of launching a sustainable venture by developing a business plan covering market analysis, business model, go to market strategy, finance plan; and pitching to investors.


The word "Entrepreneur" is a loan word from French and first appeared in the French dictionary in 1723 and characterizes a person who exploits opportunities to maximize financial return. Entrepreneurship is the process of conceptualizing, validating, launching and scaling up a new business by an entrepreneur. A sustainable and decarbonized economy can prevent catastrophic climate change as well present great opportunities for business and society at large. Climate entrepreneurship is at the core of developing such an economy and in addition to measuring performance using traditional metrics like profit, revenues and increases in stock price, there is core focus on generating a positive return to the environment and the society or at least develop a carbon neutral footprint for the enterprise and/or its customers. Companies driving Climate Action through innovative business models of renewable energy generation, electric mobility, plant based protein alternatives are game changers and are leading transition to green economy with climate / social entrepreneurship at the core of their successes. You will hear first hand from founders of many such companies and learn how to navigate your climate action journey.


This course is designed to encourage participants to get a practical view of what is involved in launching a business and demands on the entrepreneur while doing so. The participants will form teams of 3-4 to emulate key managerial persons in a start-up and work on their well-researched ideas to develop a real-life business plan solving a real climate challenge. The program will cover climate / social aspects of a sustainable venture, market analysis, opportunity identification, business model development, go to market strategy, competitive analysis, financial and fund-raising plans. The participants will develop a complete business plan and will make presentations to the class and real investors during the program to get an understanding of real-life situations. The concepts learnt in this course are applicable to non-climate related businesses. This course will be useful for those who wish to start or join a new venture as well as those who wish to incubate new ideas within a large company.


Entrepreneurship, Business Plan, Market Strategy, Revenue Model, Start-up, New Venture, Raising Finance, Climate Finance, Social Entrepreneurship, Sustainability

Learning Prerequisites

Required courses


Basic understanding of finance concepts and use of powerpoint and excel is required.

Recommended courses


The course will require development of a real-life business plan for a new venture in a group of 3-4 students. It is strongly recommended that students start thinking of a few ideas for solving a real climate challenge that they are passionate about and contact other students that they would like to form their group with. The group will be finalized by week 2, so an early start in putting the idea and team togther will help focus on the challenges of putting the business plan together. It is advisable to have diversity in the groups with complimentary skills as the course will cover areas of finance, engg & technology, marketing etc.

Important concepts to start the course

Understanding of basic concepts of finance and project management.

Ability to

- use powerpoint or another presentation tool

- use excel

- perform market research

- collaborate with team members

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, the student must be able to:

  • Identify climate opportunities for new venture
  • Develop market analysis for new venture viability
  • Coordinate with key team members on businessp plan preperation
  • Develop business model for new venture
  • Develop go to market strategy for new venture
  • Analyze alternatives to their product or service idea
  • Model financial plan for new venture
  • Present new venture idea to potential investors

Transversal skills

  • Set objectives and design an action plan to reach those objectives.
  • Assess progress against the plan, and adapt the plan as appropriate.
  • Give feedback (critique) in an appropriate fashion.
  • Identify the different roles that are involved in well-functioning teams and assume different roles, including leadership roles.
  • Resolve conflicts in ways that are productive for the task and the people concerned.
  • Make an oral presentation.
  • Take feedback (critique) and respond in an appropriate manner.
  • Take responsibility for environmental impacts of her/ his actions and decisions.

Teaching methods

Lectures, guest lectures, assignments, group project and oral presentations.

Expected student activities

Students will work together in a group of 3-4 to develop their idea for a new venture and after approval of the faculty they will develop a complete business plan and investor pitch presentation covering market research for their product or service offering, business model/revenue plan, go to market strategy/sales plan, competitive analysis, financial and fund raising plan. At the end of the course, each group will make a 20-30 min pitch presentation to the class and real investors. The work will involve getting feedback from potential customers, hence working in the field to make at least 20-30 contacts. If the venture requires channel sales or other partners, then 3-5 partner contacts would be required. Students will be expected to refine their business plan based on real feedback from potential customers and partners.

Students are encouraged to attend the first two classes even if there are no spaces left on IS Academia.

Assessment methods

Majority of the grades will be based on the work done collaboratively by the team in developing the business plan and final pitch presentation. The performance of the team is important in determining your overall grade in the course, similar to how start-ups success is determined by thier founders collectively.

The course grade will be as follows:

Peer-to-peer feedback - 10%

Assignments - 40%

Written Business Plan - 15%

Final Business Plan Presentation - 35%



Office hours Yes
Assistants Yes
Forum Yes


Virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI)



The Power of Unreasonable People, How Social Entrepreneurs Create Markets that Change the World, John Elkington, Pamela Hartigan

The Art of the Start 2.0, Guy Kawasaki

Ressources en bibliothèque


Moodle Link


In the programs

  • Semester: Fall
  • Exam form: During the semester (winter session)
  • Subject examined: Climate entrepreneurship
  • Lecture: 2 Hour(s) per week x 14 weeks
  • Project: 1 Hour(s) per week x 14 weeks
  • Type: optional
  • Semester: Fall
  • Exam form: During the semester (winter session)
  • Subject examined: Climate entrepreneurship
  • Lecture: 2 Hour(s) per week x 14 weeks
  • Project: 1 Hour(s) per week x 14 weeks
  • Type: optional
  • Semester: Fall
  • Exam form: During the semester (winter session)
  • Subject examined: Climate entrepreneurship
  • Lecture: 2 Hour(s) per week x 14 weeks
  • Project: 1 Hour(s) per week x 14 weeks
  • Type: optional

Reference week

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